Every day, I find shedloads of websites. Some are mailed to me, some I find from other logs like Memepool or Haddock, and some I just stumble upon whilst searching Google for pr0n. I see so much good stuff that I thought I'd try to capture it all somewhere, rather than just forget all about it.
You will enjoy it, maybe.
Comments and such-like to rod@begbie.com
This page has the last twenty postings. For older sites, rake around in the archive.
Bloody hell! I've just seen this. Hello PC Format readers! Does the magazine still suck as much as it did when I read it five years ago?posted at 2:30:05 PM
posted at 1:58:23 PM
posted at 12:24:51 AM
"hi my name is sam, i draw pictures, from your titles." -- explodingdogposted at 12:23:16 AM
Someone has very kindly documented "Things my girlfriend and I have argued about". I feel his pain.posted at 4:18:19 PM
Six Degrees of Kevin Baconposted at 3:30:14 PM
rude and wrongposted at 2:30:24 PM
posted at 6:47:57 PM
posted at 10:42:36 AM
posted at 12:20:52 AM
posted at 10:18:43 AM
posted at 9:25:55 AM
"Over the last 15 years my navel has accumulated an average of 3.03 milligrams of fluff each day"posted at 11:35:05 PM
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