Every day, I find shedloads of websites. Some are mailed to me, some I find from other logs like Memepool or Haddock, and some I just stumble upon whilst searching Google for pr0n. I see so much good stuff that I thought I'd try to capture it all somewhere, rather than just forget all about it.
You will enjoy it, maybe.
Comments and such-like to rod@begbie.com
This page has the last twenty postings. For older sites, rake around in the archive.
I hope you're enjoying Redundant Open Direct Library Object Groupposted at 5:25:48 PM
posted at 1:13:14 AM
Is it wrong to admit that I find the Singing Britney Spears doll mildly arousing?posted at 9:58:10 PM
Dear Santa, this Christmas, I would like...posted at 6:57:19 PM
posted at 10:38:56 AM
If I had a car, I'd want this license plateposted at 11:30:37 PM
"Hasta la vista, Moorhuhn"posted at 8:31:04 PM
How do you spot a secret message which is invisible?posted at 8:26:08 PM
Dispersion - "Your easy one stop choice for personal lethal biological pathogens"posted at 6:10:38 PM
Watch a large building being blown up.posted at 11:18:17 PM
Searching the web for DeCSS? Download it from the DeCSS Distribution Centerposted at 10:58:11 PM
The War on Smoking currently is a program under which states build highways using money obtained through the sale of cigarettes. Is everybody clear on that?posted at 12:12:35 PM
If you're going to be in Boston at the end of March, The Geek Pride Festival looks like a promising shindig.posted at 11:42:44 PM
Webcasts from the NME Premier shows are now available 24 hrs, including Elastica, The Beta Band, Angelica and Ash.posted at 6:56:33 PM
Maybe tomorrow, I'll want to settle down.
Until tomorrow, I'll just keep movin' on.posted at 10:12:09 AM
As I sup upon the Harpoon Winter Warmer on my desk in front of me, my mind turns to my two favourite beers, Stella Artois and Caledonian 80/-. Not long until I'm back in Scotland, and enjoying them to my heart (or liver)'s content.posted at 12:40:25 AM
posted at 1:20:36 PM
Strawberry Pop Tarts may be a cheap and inexpensive source of incendiary devices.posted at 10:00:56 PM
posted at 9:19:06 PM
Because www stands for woahwoahwoahposted at 4:45:15 PM
Childish, purile and excessively funny.posted at 12:47:36 AM
"Music Style: Fucking Heavy". The Genaside Will Not Be Televised is one of my favourite tracks around right now.posted at 11:30:02 PM
Bollocks! My favourite comedian, Eddie Izzard, is playing Boston... when I'm on holiday in London. S'NOT FAIR!posted at 11:08:22 PM
An interesting new anti-smoking campaign. Won't make the slightest bit of difference, obviously, but interesting nonetheless.posted at 1:43:05 PM
posted at 11:19:50 AM
Now you don't even need one of them pesky computer things to listen to internet radio stationsposted at 11:08:24 AM
Furious George and the cross-country crime spreeposted at 11:08:49 AM
Comes close to fulfilling my fantasy to take a sharp knife to the faces of the Cast of Friendsposted at 5:35:14 PM
The latest Microsoft technology for web-browsing: Making a parrot swear. WARNING: May cause a 6Mb download. Don't go here if you're on a modemposted at 5:15:37 PM
posted at 4:23:04 PM
What a heady social life I have... I saw Penn & Teller live last night, I'm going to Beck tonight, and Aimee Mann tomorrow. RAWK'N'ROLL!!!posted at 12:03:09 PM
Just think... If it wasn't for the fine folks at Geocities, we might never see such educational sites as Reed's Small World Of Chihuahuasposted at 11:05:48 AM
Enjoy some fries before you fry.posted at 5:55:55 PM
Bored of skinning Winamp? Why not skin your coffin?posted at 10:27:17 AM
Find out what people are asking Jeevesposted at 8:46:27 AM
I just found an old computer game review I did for the BBC a couple of years ago -- back when I dreamed of being a top journalist. Written, I now realise, in the style of my favourite mid-80s ZX Spectrum magazineposted at 12:55:28 AM
Online money-making sc(heme|am) of the week. $20 an hour, promise they.posted at 2:18:11 PM
Yes, the internet even has something for us llama fetishists.posted at 11:15:02 AM
posted at 3:44:49 PM
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