Every day, I find shedloads of websites. Some are mailed to me, some I find from other logs like Memepool or Haddock, and some I just stumble upon whilst searching Google for pr0n. I see so much good stuff that I thought I'd try to capture it all somewhere, rather than just forget all about it.
You will enjoy it, maybe.
Comments and such-like to rod@begbie.com
This page has the last twenty postings. For older sites, rake around in the archive.
I am "Tha Eurythmic King of Nowhere". Wu Are You?posted at 10:07:02 PM
The frightening, yet strangely-compelling site of the day: Where's George?posted at 10:04:22 PM
I know more than you.posted at 11:43:17 PM
Tired of all those fancy-shmancy 3D games? Well, why not download a copy of MAME and a bunch of ROMs, and relieve the "good" "old" "days".posted at 3:48:22 PM
Next summer, you will believe a squirrel can fly.posted at 12:15:13 AM
It was astounding in movies in 1992, but now you can morph stuff on your PC for free with WinMorphposted at 12:08:37 PM
Got a load of webpages that you like to read daily, but sometimes forget about? Well why not get them dumped into your mailbox?posted at 11:54:19 AM
YES! The lyrics for Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!posted at 11:46:23 AM
Made me laugh, anyways.posted at 2:08:47 AM
Floating Nun with gentle gliding actionposted at 5:42:07 PM
Not got enough time to take in the latest flicks? Well, nip over to Movie-A-Minuteposted at 3:41:08 PM
I was wondering where GPS BI-02 had got to.posted at 3:28:40 PM
posted at 3:26:03 PM
See it before the lawyers bring it down: M$-Monopolyposted at 3:05:21 PM
Are you in need of a check-up? (make sure your sound is on)posted at 11:50:00 AM
At last! My newspaper of choice, The Scotsman, has a halfway decent website.posted at 11:58:08 PM
Good riddance to bad rubbishposted at 10:52:32 PM
Get yerself a smart Dilbert Visa Card, embossed with the name "SUPREME RULER". Works for me!posted at 7:03:25 PM
Pete Fowler, the artist who does the sleeves for Super Furry Animals, has a new website. Make sure and try the Make-a-Monster page.posted at 1:09:53 PM
Hey you, get ready get on your feet
Get into gear and hit this streetposted at 3:09:13 PM
Got the time for a 52Mb download? Well, why not take a nosey at the new Quake 3 Arena demoposted at 11:27:59 PM
It's old, but The Ballad of Barry and Freda still makes me laugh. Anyone got an MP3?posted at 11:12:25 PM
Before you buy anything on-line, pay a visit to Find It NOW! They list all the current money-off coupons offered by the big e-commerce sites.posted at 12:43:12 PM
You spot someone on the train. You want to talk to them, but you're too shy. If only there was some way you could know how to contact them.posted at 10:16:39 AM
Once again, reality out-saterizes The Onion: Ask An Ex-Cast Member of The Wonder Yearsposted at 4:09:09 PM
I was wondering where that had got to...posted at 3:31:37 PM
What does Shania Twain look like from a great, great distance? Find out at minipopsposted at 12:20:47 AM
Funk up your Windows display with WindowBlindsposted at 11:28:03 AM
Order beer, and stare at a picture of a girl in her undies? Who could ask for anything more?posted at 10:49:31 AM
After the Kill -9 With Doom, a rather more peaceful, hippyish sysadmin tool: LavaPSposted at 10:43:22 AM
Wow! This Fortune Teller really works!posted at 11:14:43 PM
Got far too many Rubik's Cubes and far too much free time? This guy does.posted at 11:08:06 PM
Britain's finest journal is reporting what sounds like the best advert in the world, ever.posted at 1:24:43 PM
This is a gratuitous Make Money Fast scheme link.posted at 12:05:14 PM
Today's fun task: crash your computer while making free long distance calls.posted at 7:04:12 PM
A big round of applause for my shiny new ISP netherweb, who, having had up uptime of 27 days prior to my arrival, managed to have a 5 hour outage within 24 hours of begbie.com landing here. I like to think that I am at least partially responsible.posted at 6:41:12 PM
Great Unused Pub Names (No. 142): The Flying Cowposted at 8:46:52 AM
Blair Witch Parody of the Day: The Rare Glitch Project: The legendary search for a stable version of Windowsposted at 7:40:45 PM
Nice site, shame about the prices.posted at 7:35:42 PM
You know who when Windows 95 came out, Microsoft did those special keyboards with "Windows Keys" on them. Well, here's their Windows 2000 keyboard.posted at 7:32:37 PM
Last week, I was talking to a graphic web designery dude, and they mentioned that they were wanting to learn how to produce Flash animations. I mentioned that I never utilize regularly any sites that use Flash.Pixelon demonstrates beautifully the reason why.
posted at 8:18:47 PM
I found this page in my referer logs today. "I wAnT tO bE eItHeR a LaWyEr Or a BuSiNeSs WoMaN"? Dream on, sweetie.posted at 8:14:01 PM
posted at 1:42:31 PM
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